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  • Writer's pictureSarah Dantas-Holmes

South America's best bits in only 3 weeks!

Most people travel around South America over a period of several months, it is after all such a large and diverse continent! We only had three weeks but I didn't want to let that stop us from getting a little taster, so I planned a very detailed itinerary, which I've shared with you below.

The itinerary includes most of the large costs associated with the trip: flights, accommodation and tours. These are approximate prices for two adults, all quoted in US Dollars (US$) and accurate as of 2017. The total for this itinerary for two people came to US$ 9,836.

We found that some of the tours and accommodation required booking and payment in advance. Others required payment on arrival. Given that we were travelling between four different countries, each with their own individual currency, we also took some US$ alongside the local currencies. In certain locations, it was actually preferable to pay in US$ rather than the local currency, to avoid additional taxes. I would recommend enquiring about this when you come to make payments.

We started and ended this trip in different destinations, as it is possible to buy multi-city plane tickets.

DAY 0 - Travelling

Flights: Lisbon-Madrid-Lima-Cusco

20:35 – 09:45 (the following day)

$2,969 (return journey including flights: El Calafate-London)

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

DAY 18 - Travelling

Flights: El Calafate-Buenos Aires-Sao Paulo-London

11:30 – 15:15 (the following day)

Highlights of our trip:

Cusco, brightly coloured and with llamas walking the streets.

Machu Picchu, as the clouds start to clear and the sun rises.

View from Waliski Lodge, of the Uros Floating Islands and the mainland.

Salar de Uyuni at sunset.

On Isla Incahuasi, in the middle of the salt flat, cacti grow 1cm each year and most of them are over 2 metres tall.

Crossing the Andes at a high altitude of 4543m!

Laguna Hedionda, with the Cañapa mountain as a backdrop, is home to many James' flamingos.

Laguna Honda, with volcano Cerro Arral peeping up over the horizon.

Laguna Colorada, coloured red by the high algae content and sediment.

The James' Flamingo - the Laguna Colorada has one of the largest colonies of these birds.

The Árbol de Piedra (Stone Tree) in the Siloli Desert.

Sol de Mañana geyser at sunrise.

Termas de Polques, a small 29 degree Celsius hot spring pool.

The Bohemian and colourful city of Valparaiso.

Torres de Paine National Park in Chilean Patagonia.

Valle Francés, after a bad forest fire left the trees burnt and bare.

The morning view from Refugio Paine Grande.

Grey Glacier, the largest glacier in Torres del Paine National Park, flowing into Lake Grey.

The Torres del Paine towers, the 3 granite towers from which the park takes its name.

The spectacular turquoise colour of glacial lake water in Torres de Paine National Park.

Perito Moreno Glacier, one of the largest glaciers emanating from Patagonia’s Southern Ice Field.

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